A wilderness way of life and earning a decent living at it…

“A Wilderness Way of Life” video

“The mission is exploring, discovering and sharing the beauty, mystery, wildness, wisdom and magick of people and nature in Alaska, Hawaii and other paradise destinations around the world.” -David Lakota

The objective the method to achieve it includes: Living, working, playing symbiotically with Spirit, Nature and others creating a simple, sustainable, holistic way of life that is the best of both worlds- wilderness and society, doing what we love and earning a decent living at it.

This may be done by exploring, discovering and sharing the highlights of people and nature with the local and global community.

The following are ingredients for successful marketing: Make sure it is entertaining, educational and a source of inspiration to a broad spectrum of people. Use a blend of video, computer and tele-communications technology to create a stunning audio-visual presentation based upon the best music, footage, story and graphics that can be edited together. Make the content available to self and others by creating a domain name, website, PayPal account and storefront along with whatever blogs and social networks are available like WordPress to get the word out. Give others the opportunity to participate. Let many more know of what is available for free and/or for a small fee. Share photos, story, video, music, graphics and wisdom with the local and global community.

In the final analysis, and as a generalization, it is Marketing that is key to generating income from this or any idea.

“Marketing is the beginning, middle and end of successful business.” -SBA

Marketing means many things… “…finding a need and filling it.” or “Do what you love and the money will come.”

Marketing to me in addition to the above involves caring enough to share what you have to share, making it available and letting others know about it then getting it to them.

I have lived a  rich life, but one of the things that has prevented my making much money from it is because I either feared or did not care enough about others to share the beauty, wildness, wisdom, magick and mystery with them. Now I do. We shall see what happens.

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